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About Us

The Locomotive & Control Employees Federal Credit Union was federally chartered on February 25, 1936. Our field of membership includes employees of General Electric/Wabtec and their family members, employees of Erie Cotton Products and their family members, and Presque Isle Rehabilitation & Nursing employees and their family members.  We recently added to our field of membership the employees of Dusckas, Dusckas-Martin and Edward J. Garr funeral homes and all of their family members. The Locomotive & Control Employees Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial institution formed under the concept of "people helping people".

Our mission is to provide competitive dividend rates, low cost loans and convenient, low cost services for all our members. We pride ourselves in offering personal and courteous service to each member.

Board of Directors

Theodore Freeman President
Charles Gary Williams Vice President
Robert Walters Secretary
Mary Lee Rozenek Director
Lawrence Disanza Director


Supervisory Committee

MaryLee Rozenek Chairman
Ellen Walters Member


Loan Officers

Charles Gary Williams Loan Officer 
Debra Crane Loan Officer 


Office Staff

Debra Crane Manager
Debi Boyce Office Staff
Roberta Eckendorf Office Staff


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